Monday, October 1, 2007


While posted mid-november, this entry is for at least a month prior.

My current weight is 268.8, the trend is at 269.5 that's .7 to the good, the 10 day average is 270.4 which is 1.6 to the good.

The 1500 calorie plan has shifted to a 100+800+700 (breakfast+lunch+supper) 1600 calorie plan a while back. Subway is still the anchor staple. But now I significantly vary my sub choice from among those with the right calories. The new sweet onion chicken teriyaki was a great addition to the lunch lineup. Monday is now club day.

I get dizzy when I stand up after a stretch of three or four slightly lower calorie days. Clearly that's not acceptable, so I now make a point of making sure I get at least 1500 every day. Problem solved.

I've also had-- umm-- poo issues. Too much fiber if you know what I mean. Subway (geez, it seems to be all about subway with me, I promise this isn't a sponsored weblog or anything...) introduced strawberry yogurt. This is now a part of my lunch nearly every weekday and has brought the issue to a more-- umm-- solid resolution. Ya, enough about that.

Annual physical went well. All of the blood work numbers looked good except for the good cholesterol being a little low. Doc says that this is the hardest number to move. Blood pressure continues to improve as I continue to work out. I have always been a salt eater but it just isn't showing up in the cuff anymore. The doc went out of her way to congratulate me on progress thus far and we agreed to go back to annual physicals.

While the nurse led me down the hall to the exam room, the doc said hello to me as she walked passed. There was zero recognition in her face. When the doc came in to the exam room, she apologized and congratulated me on my new and improved appearance. Many folks have been tossing out comments about how I look great and how I'm 10 years younger. Perhaps it's shallow of me, but this sort of encouragement is very appreciated. I believe every comment of this sort serves to reinforce the positive behavior.

On the workout front, I have been running as much as possible during Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning workouts. I run at 5.5 or 6.0mph for a few minutes and then slow to a walk when gassed. I always maintain a minimum speed throughout the workout and that's currently 4.7mph. Sometimes, I'll try for a distance run at 5.0 or 5.2mph, but I can never seem to make it for 30 minutes. I'm doing about 3 miles a day including warmup and cooldown on MWF, and a walking program for a little over 2 miles on TR. I also do push ups and sit ups on MWF, I'm averaging a little under 20 of the former and a few over 30 of the latter.

And finally, a story about my best friend. I've always had the bigger physical body. Mostly just because I'm taller. But because I was a high school athlete and he wasn't, I have-- at least in my mind-- also been stronger and faster than him too. He too is a programmer and he too became a big, soft, mushy, overweight person sitting in an office chair and eating free food. In any case, we have been competing on the weight loss thing. He's been working out and losing inches without losing as much weight. Makes sense because his workout includes weights, mine doesn't. He came in to town and several of us went out to a local pub. We were a-drinkin' away. (There is no calorie counting on special occasions.) Fun was being had by all and we ended up arm wrestling. The bastard toyed with me before putting my arm on the table. I may still be faster but no longer am I stronger. I salute you, sir! (I'm still kicking your ass on weight loss though.)

Be well and thanks for reading.