Sunday, May 13, 2007


Yesterday I may have finally passed a significant milestone. My weights yesterday and today were 298.6. The trend is still at 302.8 but I think there's a good chance that I will never, ever weigh three-something again. Hard numbers wise, this milestone is nearly meaningless. It is totally arbitrary, but none the less still has this strong psychological impact. Two-something is a long, long way from three-something. Perhaps it's the same psychological impact of when an odometer flips to a one with all zeros behind it or even when we hit the year 2000.


dobeyou said...

I'm happy for you! And impressed by your persistance! It's starting to rub off on me. Perhaps there's hope.... ttylal

Unknown said...

Yay Dan! I think it is great that you can maintain the motivation without being in a formal program of any sort. Most people have a hard time with that. It took me weight watchers to lose my 20 pounds and stabilize at a healthy weight a few years ago.

Ken recently started a physician supervised Very Low Calorie Diet a couple weeks ago. He is on nothing but space food purchased from the doctor plus fifty extra calories a day until he reaches is goal of losing 50lbs. Then he does a 12 week transition thing where he gets used to eating real food in a reasonable way again.

It is great to see so many people I know getting serious about their health. I think this is really the time. Our metabolisms all slowed down in our 20's and you get to this point where you realize that you can either take charge now and reverse the trend or end up with a bunch of health complications and feeling 80 when you hit 50.